Rethinking Marxism’s 5th International Gala Conference

6-8 NOVEMBER 2003

Structure & Content

Global Priority Art Exhibition

Submission of Proposals


Publications & Subscriptions


Vendors & Advertisements

Conference Sponsors





Deadline for proposal submissions is 1 October 2003

We invite proposal submissions for papers or panels that follow traditional or non-traditional formats (such as workshops, roundtables, and dialogue among/between presenters and audience). We encourage those working in areas that intersect with Marxism, such as feminism, political economy, cultural and literary studies, queer theory, working class and labor studies, postcolonial studies, geography and urban studies, social and natural sciences, philosophy, and around the issues of class, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and disability, to submit paper and panel proposals. We welcome video, poetry, performance, and all other modes of presentation. Indeed, we encourage paper or panel submissions from those working in any and all areas of interest for a world without exploitation and oppression.

The appropriate registration fee must accompany all proposal submissions. Unfortunately, any submitted proposal not accompanied by the appropriate preregistration fee cannot be considered. Proposals which are not accepted will have their preregistration fees returned in full.

Take me to the Pre-registration form

Proposals for papers should include:
•Paper title
•Presenter’s name and contact information (mail, email, phone, fax)
•Brief (no more than 200 words) abstract

Proposals for panels should include:
•Panel title
•Name, contact information, and paper title for each presenter
•Brief (no more than 200 words) abstract explaining the panel’s focus
•Names and contact information for any discussant(s) or respondent(s)
•Title, contact, and address for any sponsoring organization or journal

Printable guidelines for the submission of paper or panel proposals are available here in Rich Text Format (RTF) and here in Portable Document Format (PDF).

Please mail all proposal submissions to:

Professor Stephen Cullenberg
Marxism and the World Stage
Department of Economics
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521 USA