The editorial board of Rethinking Marxism welcomes submissions of articles, shorter essays, reviews (of books and events), and visual art that relate to and expand the boundaries of Marxian discourses. In addition, we encourage correspondence on material published in past issues; if comments are accepted for publication, we will make every effort to give authors the opportunity to reply in the same issue.
Submissions to RM are refereed. They will be acknowledged upon receipt, and contributors usually receive the editorial board’s decision within three months. We cannot consider submissions currently under review with another journal.
Calls for Papers
Author Guideline Forms
- Author Guidelines (PDF)
- Author Final Checklist (PDF)
- Article Copyright (PDF)
- Art Guidelines (PDF)
- Art Permissions (PDF) (Docx)
- Regular Articles: Regular articles should be no more than 8000 words
- Art/iculations: 1500-4500 words
- Globalization under Interrogation: 8000 words or less
- Keywords: varies
- Remarx: 5000 words or less
- Reviews: 500-1000 words
- manuscript formatted in Word
- abstract (up to 150 words)
- 4-5 keywords
Articles should be submitted through Editorial Manager. Prior to initiating the submission process your manuscript and author bio should be saved in separate documents, and you should write an article abstract (up to 150 words) and select 4-5 keywords. The Editorial Manager system will ask you for these items.
- Go to
- Click on “Register Now”(unless you already have an Editorial Manager profile)
- Fill in your name and email address. (You can ignore the ORCID field).
- Fill in your Personal Information. (Only the required details, noted in red and with an asterisk*, are necessary. You can ignore all other fields).
- After you create your profile, Editorial Manager will email a temporary password.
- Login into Editorial Manager with your username and temporary password.
- Create a new password.
- Click on “Submit New Manuscript”
- From the pull-down menu, select article type: Regular Article, Art/iculations, Globalization under Interrogation, Keywords, ReMarx, Reviews
- From here, the Editorial Manager system will step you through the process of submitting your article.
- There are “Suggest Reviewers” and “Oppose Reviewers” pages, which are optional. You may leave them blank, if you like.
Editorial Contacts
Production Editor
Jared Randall
Yahya M. Madra, Ceren Özselçuk, Chizu Sato, Zoe Sherman
Serap A. Kayatekin & Yahya M. Madra
Yahya M. Madra
Globalization under
Esra Erdem
Faruk Eray Düzenli & Kenan Erçel
Anup Dhar, Boone Shear & Anastasia Wilson
Faruk Eray Düzenli, Samuel J. R. Mercer & Dan Skinner
We do not normally accept unsolicited reviews or review articles.
Review copies of books may be sent to:
Faruk Eray Düzenli
St. Mary’s College of Maryland
18952 E. Fisher Rd.
St. Mary’s City, MD 20686-3001