Stephen A. Resnick Graduate Student Essay Prize

The Association for Economic and Social Analysis, in collaboration with Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture, and Society, is proud to present the annual Stephen A. Resnick Graduate Student Essay Prize.
Stephen A. Resnick (1938-2013) earned his Ph.D. in economics from MIT, taught for eight years in the Economics Department at Yale University and two years at the City College of New York, before joining the Economics Department at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1973. Resnick was an award-winning undergraduate and graduate teacher. He also pioneered, in collaboration with Richard D. Wolff, an antiessentialist approach to Marxian economic and social analysis. Of their many jointly authored works, the best known are Knowledge and Class: A Marxian Critique of Political Economy (1987), New Departures in Marxian Theory (2006), and (with Yahya Madra) Contending Economic Theories: Neoclassical, Keynesian, and Marxian (2012). Resnick was a founding member of the Association for Economic and Social Analysis and Rethinking Marxism.
Submissions are invited from graduate students in any academic discipline whose work offers a novel, compelling engagement of the modes of analysis and philosophical concerns found in Resnick’s work or in the pages of Rethinking Marxism. In particular, we seek essays that explore the complex intersection of class with economic, political, psychological, or other social processes or the intellectual, social, and political conditions that shape Marxian interventions and analyses.
The winner will receive a $2,000 award and publication of their essay in Rethinking Marxism.
To be considered for the 2025 Stephen A. Resnick Graduate Student Essay Prize, please submit no later than June 1, 2025 a current CV and an essay of 4000-8000 words to The winner will be announced by August 1, 2025.
2025 Stephen A. Resnick Graduate Student Essay Prize (PDF)
There was no winner of the 2024 Stephen A. Resnick Graduate Student Essay Prize.
The winner of the 2023 Stephen A. Resnick Graduate Student Essay Prize is:
- Mabrouka M’Barek, University of Massachusetts Amherst, for “Affixing the Nomads: Revisiting Marx’s Theory of ‘So-Called Primitive Accumulation’ with a Deleuzo-Guattarian-Inspired Theory of the Colonial State“
- The essay is published in the January 2024 issue of the journal.
The winner of the 2022 Stephen A. Resnick Graduate Student Essay Prize is:
- Archer Buissink, University of Waikato, for “The Machine System of Digital Labor Platforms and the Algorithm as Transmitting Mechanism“
- The essay is published in the January 2023 issue of the journal.
The winner of the 2021 Stephen A. Resnick Graduate Student Essay Prize is:
- Diego Martínez Zarazúa, Institute of Philosophy, KU Leuven/Center for Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion and Culture, for “When Things Impoverish: An Approach to Marx’s Analysis of Capitalism in Conjunction with Heidegger’s Concern over Technology“
- The essay is published in the January 2022 issue of the journal.
The winners of the 2020 Stephen A. Resnick Graduate Student Essay Prize are:
- Danish Khan, Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst (Ph.D., 2020) for his essay entitled “Political Economy of Uneven State Spatiality: Conflict, Class, and Institutions in the Postcolonial State of Pakistan” and
- Sayonee Majumdar, Department of Economics, University of Calcutta (Ph.D. expected 2021) for her essay entitled “A Class-Focused Theory of Minimum Support Price and Agricultural Distress in India.”
- Both essays are published in the January 2021 issue of the journal.