
Rethinking Marxism at Left Forum 2007

Scholars associated with Marxism and with Rethinking Marxism interrogate the journal’s goals and accomplishments, Marxism’s history in relation to political transformations in the world over the last 20 years, and the future of Marxism in the United States and abroad, as both a scholarly discourse and a form of political practice.

Group 1

Antonio Callari, Franklin and Marshall College
Richard D. Wollf, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Moderator: David Ruccio, University of Notre Dame, editor of Rethinking Marxism (1998-2010)

Group 2

Joseph A. Buttigieg, University of Notre Dame
Maliha Safri, Drew University
Moderator: Graham Cassano, Oakland University

Marxism and the World Stage 2003

Audio aired on Living Room (now Against the Grain) on KPFA (Pacifica) Radio, produced and hosted by C.S. Soong.

Marxian Perspectives | Amitava Kumar, Richard Wolff, David Ruccio

At a recent international conference entitled “Marxism and the World Stage,” scholars, activists and artists gathered in Amherst, Massachusetts, to share news and perspectives. Amitava Kumar offered an internationalist take on September 11th; Richard Wolff spoke about revolution versus reform. David Ruccio is editor of the journal Rethinking Marxism, which organized the gathering.

Aired: Mon 11.17.03
Audio: KPFA | Download

Are We Really Powerless? | Saskia Sassen

Sociologist and author Saskia Sassen talked about power, powerlessness, and the dynamism of cities at the recent “Marxism and the World Stage” conference in Massachusetts. Two conference attendees spoke about the value of theoretical work and about progressive activism in a country seldom heard from — Sweden.

Aired: Mon 12.01.03
Audio: KPFA | Download

Neoliberalism’s Woes | James Crotty

At the recent “Marxism and the World Stage” conference, economist James Crotty asserted that the now-dominant neoliberal regime was built haphazardly — and was never intended to produce widespread growth and prosperity. Crotty predicts neoliberalism’s demise within the next decade or two.

Aired: Mon 12.08.03
Audio: KPFA | Download

Michael Hardt on the Multitude

Left theorist Michael Hardt, co-author with Antonio Negri of the book Empire, gave a talk last month on the US in Iraq; the hegemony of what he calls immaterial labor; and his and Negri’s concept of the multitude.

Aired: Mon 12.15.03
Audio: KPFA | Download

Slavoj Žižek Takes Aim

In a recent talk Slavoj Žižek, Lacanian psychoanalyst and prominent Left thinker, held forth on Bush in Iraq; utopianism; the “end of history”; and the nature of consumption. He also called into question a number of Left/liberal positions and tendencies. Max Elbaum shares impressions of his recent visit to Vietnam (separate, non-RM segment).

Aired: Mon 12.22.03
Audio: KPFA | Download