September 21 - 24, 2000
University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Thanks to all of you who helped to make the conference a success. Over 1000 people attended and presented 190 panels, making this our largest conference ever.

We are beginning discussions for our next conference, tentatively scheduled for Fall 2003.

We'll be publishing papers from the conference in upcoming issues of RETHINKING MARXISM. We do not have copies of all the articles presented at the conference.

If you would like to submit your paper, send three copies to:

Rethinking Marxism
Department of Economics
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556

To find out more about RETHINKING MARXISM, the journal that sponsored the conference, please see our home page.

This site is maintained by Stephanie Eckman for the Gala Conference Organizing Committee of AESA.

Please direct all questions and comments to

This site was last updated 5 June 2001.